The National LADO Network.


 The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is responsible for managing allegations against adults who work with children. This involves working with police, children’s social care. employers and other involved professionals. The LADO does not conduct investigations directly, but rather oversees and directs them to ensure thoroughness, timeliness and fairness. Ordinarily, to ensure impartiality, the LADO will not have direct contact with the adult against who the allegation has been made, or the family of the child/children involved but will, as part of their role ensure that these have information regarding outcomes.

The National LADO Network (NLN) was formed following the third National LADO Conference which took place in Bristol in 2016. This followed two previous annual conferences arranged by North West and London regions. At the 2016 conference, attended by LADOs nationally, which was hosted by the south West of LADOs, it was recognised by attendees that there needed to be a forum for LADOs to consider LADO practice issues, develop national guidelines and consider future developments of the LADO role and services. The NLN aims to support LADO’s in developing robust systems for managing allegations against people who work with children and young people. Its aims are


·      To promote the role of the LADO in external agencies and ensure multi agency working at a national level particularly in the development of policy and guidance.

·      To share and promote good practice and to encourage a learning environment.

·      To provide a forum for support and networking,

o  To share information on local, regional and national developments

o  To discuss emerging practice using case material

·      To identify and resolve cross boundary issues.

·      To Identify common training needs and consider how best to address these needs.

·      To identify policy issues that can be shared with the DfE, OFSTED and others to improve quality and consistency nationally.

·      To influence related regional developments via the regional LADO groups. To ensure that when making allegations, the voice of the child is heard and responded to.

2.   The NLN holds meetings, at least quarterly, attended by representatives of each regional group of LADOs. All LADOs have access to the work of the NLN and are considered members. Invitations to partner organisations to attend these meetings to foster cooperation have ensured that the Network is able to form positive working relationships with a number of National Organisations including, Police, Health, sports governing bodies, faith groups and Government Bodies. In addition, each year a National Conference is arranged, by rotating regions, where external speakers offer LADOs an opportunity to keep up with current trends and research in managing allegations. The conference is also an opportunity to meet, network and share ideas and challenges.