LADO Minimum Standards

The following is a proposed set of standards against which LADOs may wish to audit a LADO service.



Minimum standards for the Management of Allegations against Adults who work with children. 

Standard 1

The local Authority makes clear its duties and functions in relation to Allegations Management of Adults who work with children

  • There is a named officer responsible for the management of allegations.
  • The management of allegations is overseen by a suitably qualified LADO .
  • Arrangements for the management of allegations, including thresholds are publicised and understood by partners

Standard 2

Ensure the timely evaluation of Allegations and concerns regarding Adults who work with children

  • There exists a clear referral pathway for allegations and concerns which is understood by all
  • Allegations are made to the LADO within one working day.
  • Allegations are received and evaluated and a decision as to immediate action is made within one working day of receipt by the Local Authority.
  • Where required an Evauation meeting/discussion will be held within 5 days of referral

Standard 3

The local authority has in place and implements effectively a system for monitoring the way in which it discharges its duties and functions in relation to Allegations management.

  • Provision of an annual report to the LCSB
  • Regular Reporting mechanisms for performance are in place to the board and Children’s Social Care

Standard 4

Investigations of allegations are conducted thoroughly, fairly and in a timely manner.

  • Allegations are brought to a conclusion wherever possible within 3 months of the allegation being made
  • Where this is not possible all allegations to be monitored monthly and the reasons for delay recorded

Standard 5

The Local Authority ensures that there are arrangements in place to communicate progress of investigations

  • Regular liaison with police/investigating agency
  • The LADO ensures that those subject to allegations are kept informed of progress
  • The LADO ensures that children and families are appraised of progress in investigations

Standard 6

Recording of allegations and investigations are maintained with clear policies for retention and destruction

  • Records are clear, descriptive and thorough
  • Risk analysis is clearly recorded at all stages of an investigation
  • All allegations are recorded fully with a clear outcome and timescales recorded
  • A Policy exists on retention of files /records
  • Information relating to allegations is kept securely
  • Clear sharing policies with professionals and other LADOs exist
  • Minutes of meetings are circulated within 10 days of the meeting

Standard 7

The Local Authority has suitable Quality assurance mechanisms in place to review the management of allegations against adults who work with children

  • Arrangements exist for
    • Appropriate peer auditing mechanisms
    • Auditing of files
    • Review of thresholds
    • Mechanisms for reflective practice.
  • There is clear evidence of challenge by the LSCP of the role of the LADO

Standard 8

There are mechanisms in place to review allegations and their outcomes and to ensure lessons from allegations are shared and learnt

  • Lessons learnt are identified and developed on all outcomes
  • Trends within the Authority are identified and shared across the partnership
  • Mechanisms in place to share learning across the LSCB
  • There is a commitment to safer organisational culture and to use lessons learnt to develop a culture of continuous improvement
  • Safer Recruitment is maintained within partner agencies

Standard 9

The LADO will have strategic links with partner organisations to ensure allegations management is established and retained on partner agencies agendas.

This will include

  • Education Authorities
  • Health
  • Police
  • Human Resources
  • Key other agencies
  • LSCB Sub groups

Standard 10

The LADO ensures the availability of training in awareness of allegations management is delivered to appropriate partner agencies

  • Training should be provided to a breadth of Partner Agencies
  • Training should be evaluated and reviewed
  • Training should be targeted appropriately within the partnership reaching variety of agencies
  • Training should reflect local needs and identified trends and needs