Terms of Reference for NLN

The National LADO Network : Terms of Reference

Aim / Purpose of the Group

To provide a forum to consider LADO practice issues, develop national guidelines and consider future developments of the LADO role and services.

Primary Purpose 

To support local authorities (specifically the Local Authority Designated Officers) in developing robust systems for managing allegations against people who work with children and young people


The scope of the group has three main strands, with an emphasis on ‘managing allegations"

  1. Managing Allegations against employees/volunteers who work with/closely to children.
  2. Safer Recruitment
  3. Safer Working Practices


  • To promote the role of the LADO in external agencies and ensure multi agency working at a national level particularly in the development of policy and guidance.
  • To ensure that when making allegations, the voice of the child is heard and responded to.
  • To share and promote good practice and to encourage a learning environment.
  • To provide a forum for support and networking, in particular;
  • To share information on local, regional and national developments
  • To discuss emerging practice using case material 
  • To identify and resolve cross boundary issues.
  • To Identify common training needs and consider how best to address these needs.
  • To identify policy issues that can be shared with the DfE, OFSTED and others to improve quality and consistency nationally.
  • To influence related regional developments via the regional LADO groups.


Eighteen members, one to two representatives from each of the regional groups, nominated by those regional LADO groups. 

 Links to other groups

This network will attempt to establish, develop and maintain links with the following;

  • Regional LADO practice groups
  • DfE
  • Police and Police Professional Standards
  • Social Care
  • Health, GMC and Midwifery Council
  • Disclosure and Barring Service
  • National College for Teaching and Leadership

Chairing arrangements

There is one Chairperson and one Vice Chairperson.  The Chairperson will remain in post for one year and then the Vice Chairperson will assume the role of Chairperson.

The Vice Chairperson will host the Annual LADO Conference and will transition to the Chairperson following the conference in order to take forward the LADO conference actions.

Support arrangements

Arrangements for administrative support will be made by the Chairperson.

Administrative support includes:

  1. Preparing agendas including receiving agenda items and papers for discussion
  2. Taking minutes and action points at the meeting
  3. Circulating minutes and other papers to members and others

Expectations of members

  • To play an active role in the network.
  • To attend meetings and advise the Chairperson of attendance for each meeting in advance.
  • To respond to requests for information etc.


This network will be accountable via individuals within LA structures.

Timing of Meetings

At Least four meetings per year, to take place within the Local Authority in which the Chairperson is employed.