Sad News : Uzma Bhatti : LADO Sandwell

It is with sadness that we share the sad news of the death of Uzma Bhatti, Local Authority Designated officer for Sandwell, a post she held for 9 years.  Uzma was a founding member of the National LADO Network and became it’s chair following her involvement in the West Midlands organising the third National LADO Conference in April 2017.

During her time as chair of the NLN, she established links with a variety of national organisations and Government departments and was a significant figure in the progress and development of the group. She will be remembered for her fighting spirit, sound principles, child centred practice who pushed hard to effect necessary change. Indeed, she challenged appropriately and held herself with dignity and grace. She represented the West Midlands Regional with a very clear focus on the role of the LADO, and the responsibilities of the Regulatory bodies.

She leaves us with a memory of someone that would laugh at her own mistakes, and offer words of wisdom and comfort when others needed it.  She will be much missed by her colleagues in the LADO world and we would like to offer our condolences to her family friends and colleagues at this sad time. We understand that the funeral will be sometime this week

3 thoughts on “Sad News : Uzma Bhatti : LADO Sandwell”

  1. Mark Gay (Bury LADO)

    Always had a kind word and very enthusiastic when it came to LADO matters. Took time to engage with whoever wanted to talk to her or she wanted advice from. A sad loss to LADO world.

  2. Lucy Jones (retired licensing officer, co-founder YPA)

    Apologies for posting on this sad news thread.
    I am co founder of the Young Performers Association, a new group dedicated to safeguarding all performing children including the ‘tweenies’ not covered by the regs (16-18). I was hoping to be able to have a contact email for the Chair of the NLN if possible.
    Kind regards,

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